startzz life.

Cadastre-se em nossa plataforma e

Torne a agricultura excelente novamente

Comece gratuitamente

Todas as ferramentas que você precisa para crescer

Ouvimos as necessidades dos agricultores. Da semente à venda, nós ajudamos você.

Monitor fields from anywhere

Fields management

Add your fields on the map, and gain quick insides for current weather and pending tasks.

make smart moves


We have partnered with worlds leading weather servers to provide you with extremely precise weather information for each of your fields.

Add notes from the office or while field scouting.

Scouting and notes

Monitor your plans and add notes for yourself or to share and get help

Sell directly to your customers

Store front

Estimated 40% of the profit is lost when you sell via big supermarkets and retailers. Change all that by selling and accepting payments online in minutes.

All the time, be aware of your business

Expenses and income

Track your expenses, and organize them into categories

Planos e preços

Nossos planos foram elaborados especificamente para ajudá-lo a ter sucesso.

R$0/ month


Recursos limitados gratuitos para indivíduos

  • Gerenciar campos
  • rastrear despesas
  • escotismo e notas
  • boletins meteorológicos
Comece agora

R$297/ month


Recursos premium para indivíduos e empresas

  • Venda on-line
  • gerencie campos
  • controle despesas
  • reconhecimento e notas
  • boletins meteorológicos
Comece agora

Por que nossos clientes amam nosso produto


Não acredite apenas na nossa palavra, leia nossa extensa lista de estudos de caso e depoimentos de clientes.

This is a no-brainer if you want to take your business to the next level. If you are looking for the ultimate toolset, this is it!.

Gabriel Martin - Owner small farm, Brazil

Thanks for creating this service. My company operations are so organized now. Thanks for making such a great product.

Emma Müller - Agronom ltd, Germany

Packed with awesome features. Exactly what I was looking for. I now sell my products online, simple as that.

John Smith - Independent producer, USA

Perguntas frequentes

Aqui estão algumas das perguntas mais frequentes

How does it work?

Easily create your account, verify your email and you are ready to go. Add you fields, crops and start tracking expenses, weather reports, takes notes and sell online.Easily create your account, verify your email and you are ready to go. Add you fields, crops and start tracking expenses, weather reports, takes notes and sell online.

How I can sell online?

You can define your product listing. We will connect you with your payment provider. Soon as there is order, you will get email, or see it in the admin. Money go directly on your account.

Can I track more than 1 field

Yes, you can track more than 1 field.

How does weather system works?

We connect to world leading agriculture weather provider to provide you the best possible weather info and forecast for each one of your field.

© 2024 Startzz Life - Torne a agricultura excelente novamente